Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 31 of New Year New You

 You made it to day 31!

This may be the last day of the month but this is not going to be our last time together.  This is not the end of a New Year New You as I said yesterday this has just been the beginning.  I will certainly be sharing lots of stories, recipes, interesting facts and more as the days progress.  You have inspired me to continue to write consistently so please keep coming back!

So here we go Day 31:

Let your inner child out!  Do some activity that makes you feel like a kid inside.  Its time to show off that fun side you keep hidden behind the desk.  Take a dance class, go skating, jump on the trampoline in Rebounding at Crunch

Just have fun!  My favorite inner child thing is dancing to my favorite playlist or song.  And I am not afraid to do it in public.  :O) 

Try Again!  Didn't get an opportunity to cook one of this months recipes, like me.  The hubby cooked tonight so hopefully I will do the Spinach Pasta tonight.  :) 

Here is another opportunity for you to go back over one of those recipes and give it a try.  Oh and THANKS! I finally received a recipe email.  Whew Who!!!  Remember I'd love to hear from you and it doesn't have to be anything hard or gourmet.  Each of us has our own little flair or twist on something.  Just share something you like.

Self Growth:
Let your success inspire you!  Hopefully you are on your way to making exercise, eating and doing things for self improvement a regular part of your routine.  I am sure you are looking and feeling better.  Take time today to reflect on your successes:
  • The recipes you tried
  • Taking time Off
  • Accepting Change in your fitness routine
  • Sharing with others
  • You take the stairs more
Remember this: "Allowing yourself to take on this challenge for the past 31 days will benefit you in more ways then one."  Yesterday your Self Growth was to Set New Goals, If you didn't do it, do it NOW!  

Until Tomorrow, 


photo:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/caliorg/6141737562/sizes/s/in/photostream/

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 30 of New Year New You

Well folks it seems like January just would not slow down for us, but hey we still have 11 more months to go this year!  Developing the New You doesn't stop tomorrow.  Its just beginning!  These past 30 days have been a great adventure and wonderful challenge.  I wasn't able to complete all three task each day which wasn't the purpose and I am proud to say I will be carrying some of these things over with me to Feb.  How about you?

No one said these task can ONLY be done this Month.  So if you were late to join the Challenge or wanted to do something one day but ran out of time, there is always tomorrow and the next day!

So let's get started with Day 30: 

Challenge yourself!  We have done several different body part exercises from being at the office to working out in the gym.  Pick ONE and see if you can accomplish it even better the second time around.

Now if for any reason you are the same, good.  If you're not that's fine too!  You know what that means?  You have found an opportunity for growth.  See Self Growth below and see how you can apply.

Whip up something.  I have posted at least 5 recipes for you to try this month.  Go back through the days and see which one catches your eye.  Plan to make it TODAY.  Maybe its the breakfast smoothie I posted, or the hangover juice cure.  How about the Lemon Chicken or Lemon Tofu Steak recipe.

There are several options to choose from the past 29 days.  I personally will be doing yesterday's Pasta and Spinach Gratin.  I picked up all the ingredients today.  Planned to give it a try this evening but I got caught up making the Breakfast Hermits from last week.  :)  Check out my picture above and yes they are pretty tasty.  Yes it a little time consuming but nothing you can't handle on the weekend.  And its really easy to follow and do.  Have questions or want substitutes so its a little less healthy?  ASK!  I got you covered.

Oh and if you will be taking my class this week and would like to try one, let me know I will bring some to the gym, I have 4 dozen.  :)

Self Growth:
Commitment!  To keep the commitment going from these past 30 days, now is a good time to consider what you'd like to accomplish next month.  Make it something specific and attainable in 28 days.  Keeping up your success is truly about going forward one day at a time, just like we did here.  If this challenge worked for you follow the model and watch yourself progress all the way through December 2012.

Post your goals on the fridge, your desk, make them your screen saver, you get the point but remember you only have 28 days to get it done.  Want some help with accountability? Send me your Feb Goals and I can check in on you!  Taj Harris

Until Tomorrow,


photo:  Taj Harris - from my loving kitchen

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 29 of New Year New You

Well Folks this is our last Sunday for the New Year New You Challenge.  BUT this is not the last you will hear from me. I have lots more to share as the year progresses.

So here we go Sunday Jan 29th!

Plus One!  Take a loved one with you today and enjoy a physical activity together.  This doesn't have to be gym related, try these ideas out:

  • Walking around Macy's
  • Cleaning out the basement
  • Going for a bike ride
  • Rearrange the furniture
Now if your loved one isn't down for any of the above, go ahead hit the gym or your favorite yoga studio.   Whatever you do today, don't do it alone! 

Quick and Easy!  We may not have a rest day from physical activity like yesterday but there is no need to get bogged down in the kitchen either.  So try this quick and easy to the table dinner meal. 

Pasta and Spinach Gratin

1 lb tubular pasta (rigatoni, ziti or penne)
6 cups of Fresh baby Spinach
3 Tbsp Olive Oil
Pinch of Salt
2 Cloves of garlic, minced
1 Cup Cream
1/2 teaspoon Chili flakes
1/4 cup finely grated Parmesan Cheese (or a cheese of your choice)
  • Preheat oven to 375.  Grease a 9x13 rectangular casserole dish
  • Bring a stockpot of salted water to a boil then add pasta.  Cook until just a little less than al dente, drain
  • While pasta is boiling - Heat oil in a large skillet or saucepan over medium-low heat.   Add garlic and chili flakes, stir while cooking for 1 minute.  Then add Spinach.  (you might have to add it in batches)
  • When Spinach has cooked down, season with a pinch of kosher salt.  Stir into the cooked pasta
  • Take entire mixture and pour into the prepared casserole dish. Pour cream over the pasta and sprinkle the Parmesan cheese evenly on top.
  • Bake uncovered for 30 minutes, until the top is golden brown and crunchy and sauce is bubbly. 
Total Time 40 minutes!  Enjoy

Self Growth:
Just Because!  I am not sure what FTD stands for but I'm going to say "Florist That Deliver."  Everyone likes getting flowers wether its at work or home.  So go online and plan to send flowers to someone tomorrow!   

Write on the note:  Just Because!  You can leave it like that or fill in the blank: Just Because ________ Whatever the reason I am sure you will be the talk of the day.  

As a bonus if you are a SkyMiles member you too will get for giving!!!  Now that's not bad, you get Skymiles for sending flowers.  So stop procrastinating and get on it, its a win/win.  

Until Tomorrow, 


photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikebaird/4510152438/sizes/s/in/photostream/

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 28 of New Year New You

Whew, we made it to the weekend baby, Enjoy!  I am starting the day with my last long run before the race on Feb 12th in St Petersburg FL.  :)  Trust me I'd rather be sleeping in but a girls got to do what a girls got to do.  And I have two ladies from my run group joining me so I have to be up and adam at 8am!

However don't let my fitness activities make you feel lazy... its Saturday enjoy the day, you have my permission -  Be Lazy!

Here we go Day 28:

Unlike me you should be RESTING!  Yup is time for a day off.  But you probably figured out that was coming.  You can't workout 7 days a week and expect your body to love and respond to you in kind.  My day off is tomorrow. Yours is TODAY so take advantage of it.

Feeling like a lil Brunch because you took my advice and slept in?  Well if you don't have a waffle iron to make your own Belgian waffles?  You can opt for 2 honey sweetened waffles made by Van's in your toaster.   Only 180 calories and .5g of saturated fat!  I'll take it!  Or you can stop by Jamba Juice and pick up Belgian waffle there only 310 calories and one is equal to TWO toaster size.   Add an coffee or tea and enjoy, guilt free!

PS. If you like waffles... go grab a waffle iron from bed bath and beyond... I have a great recipe I'd like to share with you.

Self Growth:
Be kind to yourself!  Do something today to reflect on kindness for your body and all it's hard work, like:

  • Taking the day off from exercise
  • Getting a massage
  • Taking a hot bath
  • Going Shopping for a new outfit
  • Signing up for a PT sessions
  • Lying on the couch and watching TV

I don't care what you do, just make sure you are doing something today with YOU in mind.  Its a Love Yourself Day!

Until tomorrow,


photo:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/mhaithaca/357480376/sizes/s/in/photostream/

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 27 of New Year New You

Happy Friday!  Its the last Friday of the month!  Doesn't it seem like you were just reading Day 1 of our challenge yesterday?  Well before you get sad because you realize Jan 31st is really around the corner, keep your head up we are still taking it one day at a time and you NEVER know what I might offer for Feb. :)

So let's get started with Day 27:

OOOOMMMM!  Treat your body to a yoga class today!  Usually take yoga on Friday? Then try a different type like:

Allow your body time to find repair and restoration.  For some the body might just embark on a new experience and way of working out those tired muscles.  Never did Yoga before?  No problem, just let he instructor know you are new and I am sure he or she will be glad to help you out.

Savor your food!  Slow down today and enjoy every meal, even the quick snacks.  We have taste buds for a reason.  Use them!  No eating in front of the TV, computer or while talking on the phone.  Have your meal in front of you and enjoy the flavors, maybe try to notice what seasonings were used especially if you are at a restaurant.

If you're doing the cooking, you should be savoring the fruits of your labor not woofing it down.  Its even nicer with a friend.  Share the experience.  Make it fun: Imagine yourself having that glass of Red wine in an Argentina Vineyard or sitting on top of a mountain over looking the ocean while you eat a Mango.

Taste buds do more then tell us we don't like something, they create memories.  Feel the textures, taste the flavor and enjoy every bite. Its been said good food can be "orgasmic!"

Well it has been said.......  :) So go there if you dare.

Self Growth:
Break away!  Did you know that 90+% of women sit around and have "fat talk" and I don't mean about other people.  How many of us are guilty of comparing diet trends, or our weight to our friends who just happens to be taller then you?  

Go ahead admit it, you have number envy! Are you competitive when it comes to your friends body image? Do you fall into the traps set out by main stream media and tabloids which happen to be sitting at the check out right next to the M & M's and Twix Bars.  Ironic!  Or worse have you allowed family to scar you with self body images that you can't seem to shake?

Misery loves company.  Nows the time for you to BREAK AWAY from the negative chit chat and surround yourself with positive outlooks. Don't get sucked into the "have nots" i.e. taking a compliment and turning it into a negative:  "Wow you look good" your response: "Really do you see this jelly roll." Stop agreeing with a friend who might say, "ugh I feel fat", and you say "me too".  You are just adding fuel to the fire and body bashing never gets us very far.

Smile! Take a compliment and remember that we have LOTS to be grateful for when it comes to our bodies, from head to toe.  Make it a LOVE YOURSELF day EVERYDAY!  So what if you put on a few pounds, on the bright side you aren't starving or missing meals.  :)

Until Tomorrow,


photo:   http://www.flickr.com/photos/easypickle/16823755/sizes/s/in/photostream/

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 26 of New Year New You

Whoa Who! Its almost Friday!  But before we get to the weekend we have to get through Thursday.

So here we go Day 26:

Back it up! When you look at yourself in the mirror what do you see?  The front side of your body and unfortunately that seems to be what we workout the most.  Its time to back it up turn around and remember people behind us are watching. :)

Here are some great back of the body exercises to start getting you ready for spring.

Boxer: You can do this without dumbbells or choose 2.5 but no more then 5 lbs.  Perform 10 times(right-left =1) rest 30 seconds and repeat twice.

Bent Over Rows: Using at least 10 lbs dumbbells perform 10 times rest 30 seconds and repeat twice.

Back Extension:  You can do this exercise as pictured or with the arms by your side fingers reaching toward toes.  If you choose to use weights make it no heavier then 5 lbs.  Personally I'd stick to the 2.5 lbs.  Perform 15 extensions, rest 30 seconds and repeat twice.

Plank with Butt Lifts: If you'd like to place a 5 lbs dumbbell behind your knee to increase the workout go for it. Perform 15 on each leg and repeat twice.

Healthy street food? My New Yorkers know there are plenty of food trucks parked outside or near our office buildings.  Some may be Super Tasty and we usually eat without questions.  But did you know you can get a Healthy and Super Tasty Pizza out of a Truck!!

Yes folks - Give Eddie's Pizza Truck a try! I've had the pleasure of eating from the truck and YES its Great!  Check out the site and learn where the truck will be next.  If its in your neighborhood or you can get there please do and leave me a message let me know what you think.

Self Growth:
Find the Silver lining! Hopefully you are enjoying the challenge especially since you've been coming back for 26 days.  But seriously even if you dislike the feeling of exercise, there's always some favorable aspect to working out.

  • It's YOUR time - no emails, phones, family, kids.
  • Time to listen to your favorite songs
  • Getting outdoors 
  • Getting fresh air
  • Meeting new people
Ok people until tomorrow, we are winding down our New Year New You Challenge but I am having a great time so there maybe some more in store for February.  

PS I am still waiting on my recipes please email me:  Taj Harris I promise I will share with you too.

Until Tomorrow, 


photo:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/karenchen/5542536547/sizes/s/in/photostream/

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 25 of New Year New You!

Welcome to Day 25th and Hump Day Wednesday.  So here we are in the middle of the week, how many of you are looking forward to the weekend?  I know I am, this weekend is my personal date night and I plan on making the breakfast hermits I wrote about last week.  What do you have planned for the weekend? Don't forget to send me your favorite recipe!  If you don't cook you can tell me your favorite restaurant and meal.  I like to go out for dinner sometimes.  :)

Lets get started Day 25 here we go:

Go for a run!  Today is good day to give running another try. Pick a distance or a time and either hop on a treadmill or go outside. Today is actually going to be a pretty nice day 44 degrees and sunny.

So enjoy the opportunity to put one foot in front of the other and just GO!  Even if you only run for 5 minutes... You've done it.

Healthy Alternative!  Got a craving that just want quit?  Can you find a healthy alternative to that desire.  Did you know swapping out some fav's can save you LOTS of calories and you know what that means.

Here are some suggestions:

Instead of chocolate, try carob. Chocolate is first on the list because it's first on most 
people's list of guilty pleasures. I'm not here to tell you to do away with anything forever, moderation is key to lasting health.  It's not that carob is superior nutritiously, but it has a couple things going 
for it: Carob has 51 calories per ounce to cocoa powders 98. But even more significant is that 
carob is naturally sweeter than (or, perhaps more accurately, not as bitter as) chocolate, so you don't have to use as much sugar with it in recipes. 

Instead of a full-fat creamer, go nonfat. It won't take long for you to get acclimated to the non-fat version.  If you have a couple cups of coffee a day those calories can add up. 

Popcorn instead of Chips!  Looking for a something salty and crunchy... popcorn is a much better choice.  Popcorn has about 30 calories compared to 140 calories in a ounce of tortilla chips.  And who just eat 1 ounce of chips!  I mean really. 

Sack the soda and try sparkling water. I know, you're thinking... water? But if you 
spike it with a few twists of lemon or lime it becomes a flavorful drink.  . Besides saving 
calories, you also avoid some of the other soda ingredients (sugar, phosphoric acid, potassium benzoate) that may cause long-term health issues. 

Self Growth:
Way to go!  Today is a great day to give yourself a compliment. Write it down, post it on your desk, on your computer and enjoy.  Everyone likes compliments so why not give one to yourself.  Hey who's better to recognize your achievements the person accomplishing them.  :)

Until tomorrow,


photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/johnloo/606739059/sizes/s/in/photostream/

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 24 of New Year New You

Well Folks we have 7 more days left is the month.  This has been a great experience so far and I must say I am enjoying this winter weather versus last years.

So here we do Day 24:

Try something new today!  Yes we did that three weeks ago but I bet there are a lot of things left for you to try.  Crunch members check out the Rock Star new class POUND.  It's being offered tonight 7p15pm at Crunch Ft Greene.  Try a new teacher, always taking the same yoga instructor because you love her/him.  Why not change it up and get some yogi love from another trained person.

Always running on the treadmill, well hop on an Eliptical tonight and take some stress off your knees.  They will probably thank you at the end of the night.  I think you see where this is going.  Step away from your comfort zone and get moving.  There is SOO much to experience why not TODAY.

Share!  Today is a good day for you to share one of your favorite recipes!  I'd love to know what makes you happy in the kitchen as well as in your belly.  So here's what you do.  Send me and email Taj Harris Lee and send the same email to one friend.  Request that your friend sends you one back too.  Now you are giving and receiving.  And if you send me one... that guarantees you TWO new recipes.

Its time to share - and remember this is all in fun - no competition.  It can be a simple easy to make, favorite.

Self Growth:
Is there something you've been longing to do? Like take a dance or language lesson. What about one of those DIY classes at Lowes or Home Depot.

Go online today and look for it.  Sign up for a class, you can probably get started as soon as tomorrow. No pressure - really, but finding out the info is the first step to getting over that hill and making it happen. There is no better time then the present and feel free to share with me if you like.

Until Tomorrow,



Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 23 of New Year New You

Happy Monday everyone and Congratulations to the New York Giants!

Well I didn't have wings and beer while watching the game, but I did enjoy the comfort of Chinese food.  Yeah take out it was, traveling home today and the hubby was out.  :) Made it home just in time to see the start of the 2nd half.  What a game!!!! I was on the edge of the couch.

So who's ready for Day 23.

Is time to challenge our upper body! Try this push up routine to help tighten the pccs, shape the shoulders and tone the arms.  You might be a little sore tomorrow but you will definitely feel lifted.

  • Start by doing 10 traditional push ups to warm up
  • Perform 5 push ups with feet on a bench - you can choose bench height
  • Perform 5 push ups over a Bosu flipped up side down
  • Perform 5 push ups with 1 leg lifted off the floor - be sure to switch sides
  • Rest when needed between sets and smile you just did 25 push ups!  
Looking to truly challenge your existing push up workout:
  • Try at least 1 clapping Push up - if you can do more go for it 
  • How about doing 1-  3 clap Push Ups 
  • Or perform 1- 1 handed push up on each arm
  • Last but not least, 1 arm and 1 leg push ups - be sure to switch sides
Enjoy and remember you don't have to do all of the above.  

Make it colorful!  Today is a good day to add a little color to every meal,  especially if you enjoyed the game with comfort food.  Eat at least one piece of fruit with breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

Eating fruit with your meals like apples, can help with satiation and keep you from over eating.  Its also flu and cold season, fruits help to give you antioxidants and vitamins needed to keep us healthy.  

What fruit will you start the day with? 

Making your own smoothie is a great option or stopping by your favorite juice bar for lunch.  Here is a good morning recipe I like using a blender and its packed with Vitamin C:
  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries
  • 1/4 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 1/4 cup soft tofu (optional)
  • 1 orange seeded
  • 1 tbsp grated gingerroot
  • 1 tbsp honey
Self Growth:
Keep it to yourself!  Today I want you to repeat after me:  "I _________ Pledge to keep it to myself, no complaining!"  

Its easy to complain about things but what good comes out of it?  As you go through the day and things arise remember these four words: Peace, Love, Joy and Gratitude.  See the positive today and let it guide you along.  Monday's can be moody but take a stand no complaining TODAY! 

Until Tomorrow,


photo:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/crevette_x/2241123132/sizes/s/in/photostream/ 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 22 of New Year New You

Whoa who. It's Sunday! I don't know about you but I'm looking forward to the championship football games today.

So let's get started with Day 22:

Pick up the pace. Going for a run on the treadmill? Working out on the elliptical machine? Pick up your pace by going faster if on the treadmill or increasing your level in the elliptical. If your walking on the treadmill give yourself an increased incline by 2%.

This small adjustment will increase blood flow, work the cardio vascular system more as well as increase calorie burn.  Stay at the quicker pace or higher level for as long as possible.

Let your hair down! It's the NFC and AFC championship games. I see hot wings, chips and dip, beer and more in your future.

Even if the above is not on your list for today, go ahead and enjoy Something. We have to give our bodies stuff that's "not on the list". Today is a good day to enjoy food and drink. Monday - Tomorrow, we can start over. Believe it or not, going off the routine adding more fats and carbs will do the body good.  Besides who wans to watch the game eating only Celery sticks! 

Self Growth:
Perform a kind act. Do something nice for a stranger. It doesn't have to be anything elaborate.
  • Say "hello, how are you doing" to someone you see every day
  • Give to a homeless person
  • Hold the door open for someone
  • Help a mom up the stairs in the subway with a stroller
You get the picture. Now go on spread some love and kindness, it will make you and that person feel good.

Until tomorrow,


Photo:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/tboard/5462311896/sizes/s/in/photostream/

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 21 of New Year New You

Happy Saturday everyone!

 So word on the street is there's a storm coming, huh. Well I guess we can't complain much we haven't had an awful winter so far and there are about 58 more days until spring. I'm in Rochester there's already snow up here and man is it COLD!

So here we go time for Day 21.

Take the day off because you might be doing some shoveling soon. In case you haven't figured it out rest is your friend. I know some of you are doing more then the challenge which means you need to repair.

 Ways to benefit the body during your off day:
  • Take a nap
  • Get into a Hot Epsom salt bath
  • Did you ever get that massage I suggested you schedule?
  • Do some restorative yoga poses
Just give the body time to rejuvenate, doing this on Sunday is always an option especially if you absolutely love 9am Zumba or 530 Spin.

Hopefully you made it out to get the ingredients for the Breakfast Hermits. They sound so tasty and yes I'm in love with the idea of grabbing a cookie and going out the door in the morning.

Don't have time to prepare for next week with the cookies? Take a look in your cabinet and be sure to have a healthy option ready for Monday morning, oatmeal, cream of wheat, egg white omelette etc.

Self Growth:
Going grocery shopping this weekend? Cruise the aisle for healthy snack and put two different ones in your basket. Be sure to pick up enough to take to work and have at home.
  • Rice cakes
  • Trail mix
  • Granola
  • Yogurt with fruit to satisfy your sweet tooth
  • Protein bars
  • Apples and peanut butter
These are just a few options to consider. Read the labels and be sure to watch out for hidden calories in high sodium products or trans fat.

Until tomorrow,


Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 20 of New Year New You

Seriously, is it really Friday Jan 20th?  Well Happy Friday everyone, I hope you are looking forward to the weekend as well as the 11 days we have left in the New Year New You Challenge. 

My Day 19 was pretty busy!  I was able to downsize my meals, ate on a smaller plate and yes it's true I was full. How did you do yesterday? 

Since many of you might be going out for drinks tonight, get in at least 30 minutes of cardio before. That 30 minutes could equal two drinks :)
Hey it's all about balance, you know the saying "more out then in, but when partying just even the score and enjoy". P.S. I totally just created that saying. Ha!
Have fun people it's the weekend? You've worked hard.

Ever want to have cookies for breakfast and your mom said NO! Well today is your lucky day! I have recently come across a breakfast cookie recipe that I'd like to share with you. Plan to make it some time this weekend and enjoy cookies for breakfast all week long. Mom's your kids will think you are the coolest!

Each cookie will feel naughty as you eat it but they are packed with nutrients that go down with a clean conscious.

Breakfast Hermits:
2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1/4 cup protein powder
2 tsp baking powder (look for aluminum free)
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/8 tsp ground mace
1/8 tsp ground cardamom
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup agave nectar
4 egg whites
1/2 cup unsulfured black strap molasses
1/2 cup applesauce
1 tbsp vanilla
2 tbsp plain low fat yogurt
1cup sultana raisins
1/2 cup dried unsweetened cranberries
1cup unsalted raw slivered almonds

Line cookie sheet with parchment paper. Sift all dry ingredients and spices together in a large mixing bowl. Cream olive oil and agave neater together until smooth.

In a separate bowl, beat egg whites together and add olive oil mixture. Mix well. Add molasses, applesauce, vanilla, and yogurt. Mix well again.

Add raisins, cranberries and almonds. Mix well. You might have to use your own clean hands lightly coated with olive oil to mix properly. Dough should form a ball.

Wrap with plastic ad refrigerate for an hour or two. Take out and preheat oven to 350. Using a spoon, Make small balls with the batter. Place on cookie sheet and press down lightly with a fork. Bake 10 minutes or until lightly browned.

Yields 5 dozen cookies! Don't go crazy. Per cookie: 87 calories, 5g of fat, 10mg of sodium, 11g of carbohydrates, 2g of fiber, 0g of sugar, 3g of protein.

Enjoy! I truly can't wait to try this. No know my husband will love cookies for breakfast. Since I'm working his weekend out of town, I plan to give it a try next weekend. I will keep you posted and please let me know how it turned out for you.

Self Growth:
Hopefully you were able to plan a lunch or dinner outing today with a friend. Don't feel like going out? It's not too late to invite a friend over to your place. Share a meal, order take out, crack open a bottle of wine and enjoy each others company.

Until Tomorrow,


photo:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/nicodemovalerio/5737986221/sizes/s/in/photostream/ 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 19 of New Year New You

Some how my day 19 came off line.... Don't ask. I typed it from home on my computer and right now I'm away from home for the weekend using my iPad. My apologies this is not exactly how the Blog was written but I'm just putting up something until I can fix it back to the original. Fitness: Use a new piece of equipment again today. There are a lot of toys to play with at the gym. Go ahead expolre snother part of the gym, it doesnt bite. You might be surprised how it enhances your workout and you might even find some new eye candy. Food: Downsize, use smaller plates today. Downsize your meals having a sandwich instead of the hero you usually order. Don't get the fries this time. Eating off of 10 inch plates cuts calories by 22%. When we have a full plate in front of us it usually triggers fullness despite the size. Don't eat out of the container when you irder in. Put your food on a plate and put the rest in the fridge immediately out of site. Self Growth: Tomorrow is Friday plan a date for lunch or dinner with a friend. Some suggestions I gave were: - Chinatown Brassaire - Lil Country Farm - Rosa Mexicano - Yelp is always a good go to Enjoy Until tomorrow. Taj

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 18 of New Year New You

Here we go Hump Day Wednesday Jan 18th!  How was your day Tuesday?

My Day 17: Didn't make the Chicken Pasta because I cooked yesterday.  I've been eyeing a 16 bean soup recipe and it turned out GREAT!  Even my husband who doesn't like beans enjoyed it.  I will be sure to share it with each of you soon.  Posted the future me words by the computer.  Um 3 months, I wonder if I hit the nail on the head or not.

Now its time for Day 18:

Try something new! Use a new piece of equipment in the gym tonight.  How many days of week do you attend the gym?  How many times do you use and do the same thing?  Its time for a change.  Use a new piece of equipment such as:
  • Medicine Ball
  • Kettle Bell
  • Use the Chest Press Machine
Not sure what to do or how to use them.  Grab a personal trainer I am sure he or she would be happy to help you spice up your routine. 

Monitor your portions today! As you go through the day, pay attention to your meals and how much your are eating.  This exercise isn't meant to stress you.  Just take notice and be aware! You can log it into your smart phone, computer or a journal.

Self Growth:
Ask a friend to write a testimonial about you, have them name two things you're really good at.
Print it out and post it somewhere you can see it for the rest of the month like, on the fridge, your bulletin board etc.

Have a great day!

Until Tomorrow,


photo:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/andrewmalone/5103309387/sizes/s/in/photostream/

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 17 of New Year New You

Sorry for the delay today!  I woke up and typed our Challenge but I was in a rush and forgot to hit publish!  So here we go another day, another fun challenge!

My Day 16: Successfully had no flour today, added 15 minutes onto my workout as well.  Feeling pretty good.

Time for Day 17:

Can't make it to the gym today, why not tone at work or at home!  Follow these easy steps to get in a quick workout while you work.
  • Seated Scissors:  Sit towards the middle of your chair, (at home use a chair not the couch if possible) Lift legs up about parallel to the floor.  Engage core so you are sitting up super tall.  Raise arms in front of you and begin to cross right leg over left and right arm over left at the same time. Switching quickly 40 times (right - left =1)    You are targeting glutes, core, chest, quads and inner/outer thighs.  Now that's a lot of bang for no bucks! 
  • Supported Single Leg Squat: Stand with hands at the side of your desk or the back of a chair or use a table if at home.  Lifting right foot so knee is bent at 90 degrees, lower into a single leg squat by bending the left knee.  Remember don't bend to far, knee should stay behind the toes. Stand up and repeat 20 times on one side.  Switch Want to add some calf work - Raise up on your tip toes when you come back to stand.  Targeting quads, hamstrings, balance and calf muscles. 
  • Upright Push Ups:  Facing a wall, place hands directly in front of you shoulder height and slightly wider then your shoulder distance.  Bending elbows to bring chest to the wall performing 25 push ups off the wall. Targeting chest, triceps and shoulders
This workout can be done in about 15 minutes or less.  So no excuses! 

Here is a quick easy 502 calorie meal you can enjoy tonight for dinner!

Chicken and Broccoli Pasta

3/4 cup uncooked whole wheat pasta
2 cups steamed broccoli
4 oz baked chicken (you can pick up already prepared on your way home)
1/2 cup tomato sauce (3g. fat or less per 1/2 cup)
Pinch each of: Garlic, red pepper flakes and ground black pepper
Parmesan Cheese if desired. 

Cook Pasta.  While pasta is cooking cut up the chicken.  When 1 minute left to cook toss in Broccoli.  Drain.  Return Broccoli and Pasta to pot and add chicken, tomato sauce and above seasonings.  Top with Cheese and serve! This is a one serving so double the above if making it for two.

Self Growth:
Picture yourself 3 months from now and write down three words to describe the future you.  Post it on the fridge or near your computer as a reminder.  Remember no pressure to comply, it will be interesting to see how life play itself out 3 months from today.

Have a great day!

Until Tomorrow,


Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 16 of New Year New You

Well People we are turning the corner of our Challenge together!  How are you feeling?  Enjoying the journey?  I surely hope so because I am enjoying writing it!

My Day 15: Had a full day of work again 8 AM to 6 PM.  I didn't get to make soup but my Husband surprised me with an amazing Butternut Squash soup for dinner when I arrived home. :)  It was a pleasant quite tasty and really nice to be served.  

Time for Day 16:

Its Monday, time to start the week off right.  Today is ADD on day!  Yes I want you to add on 15 to your existing workout. For example if you plan on taking a 45 minute Spin class today, add an additional 15 minutes by getting there early or staying a little later.  If using the spin room on your own is not an option hop on one of the stationary bikes in the gym.

Taking a weight lifting class use the 15 lb dumbbells or add 15 minutes on to your workout.
Do an extra 15 reps.  The objective is to just add on!  See below for how many calories 15 minutes of activity burn off:

  • Aerobic Dance - 171
  • Bicycling at 15 mph - 177
  • Boxing - 165
  • Circuit Weight Training - 189
  • Jumping Rope - 143 
  • Running 10 minute mile - 183

Make today a no white FLOUR day.  Do your best to have no processed food.  I know its winter and we usually crave comfort food but it's only for ONE day!  Take a stand and see how you do!

Self Growth:
Being Thankful!  Its all about thanking someone who has been influential in your life.  Call him/her up and express your thanks.  Mention him/her on Facebook.  Just express how you appreciate having them in your life!  Send a card, flowers or do some other nice gesture.

I guarantee you will make a difference in their lives this time.  :)

Until Tomorrow,


photo:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/thehutch/2051184078/sizes/s/in/photostream/

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 15 of New Year New You

WOW we have reached the halfway point!  Really 15 days have gone by that fast!  I almost feel like I could do a New Year New You Challenge for the year.  Well here we go!

My Day 14:  I worked all day from 8 AM to 6 PM teaching a yoga training.  So thankful for my group of attendees they really make time go by fast.  My breakfast was simple: Pumpernickel Bagel and Chiobani Yogurt.  Did you make the French Toast? I did get to clean out one cabinet today and had my TREAT from yesterday for dinner tonight:  Peach Cobbler with Ice Cream.  It was well worth it.

Ready, Set, Go - Day 15:

Today's forecast is 28 degrees.  Have I ever said how much I don't like winter?  Well today I'm giving you two options:

1.  Enjoy your home with an indoor workout.  You could do the Plyometrics from Day 6 and the Abdominal workout on Day 2 and/or the BLT workout on Day 11

For my football fans, feel free to get it done before the game!  And someone please text me with updates on the score, I will be working form 8 to 5.

2.  Don't mind going out - Try Bikram Yoga.  It might be cold outside but its Hot in there.  Member of Crunch? Give Hot Yoga a try today.  PLEASE take a change of clothes with you and make sure to dry off before going back out.

Given the weather, today is a Great day to make a SOUP!  I love soup when its cold outside.

Never made soup before?  Not sure what to use?  Looking for some healthy options?
Cooking Light offers 101 healthy soup recipes for you to choose from.  There's bound to be one you'd enjoy.

Are you a visual person?  Try checking out one of the Food Channels like Food Network for ideas.

Let me know what you picked!

Self Growth:
Its time to reflect and track your success!  There is nothing more motivating then seeing your accomplishments.  We are 15 day's into a 31 day challenge, take a quick peek at your progress.  Check off each day that you've worked out or followed my Food and/or Self Growth tips.

Notice the habits you have created without trying so hard.  Don't look at the days you missed and say "I knew I couldn't do this or how can I catch up now?" Embrace the days you did something! Smile and say to yourself: "Wow that's more time than I usually dedicate to myself and I'm looking forward to what the next 15 days has to offer."

This challenge is all about taking steps to make change and doing that one day at a time.  Each day presents an opportunity for a new you in mind, body and soul.  You've already proven anything is possible by reading this right now!

Until Tomorrow,


photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pedromourapinheiro/2307665224/sizes/s/in/photostream/

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 14 of New Year New You

Happy Saturday everyone!  If your here in the NY area, stay warm!  Its is definitely winter! Today is loaded with things for to enjoy this wonderful winter day.

First my day 13:  Well there were no disaster or creepy events for me on this Friday the 13th.  I ran 10 miles indoors - ugh!  Thank goodness for TV on the treadmill and NCIS getting me through.  Why 10 miles you ask?  I am running the St Petersburg FL half marathon on Feb 12, have to keep my miles up.  So I didn't pick up breakfast, yeah I'm jealous of you who have.  I did pick up some stuff for this new Crock Pot recipe I plan to try for Sunday.  If all goes well I will be sharing it with you too. :)  Gave myself a nice 20 minute stretch after my run and this weeks classes really focused on my low back, hips and hamstrings.  Going out to dinner with friends for a post birthday celebration so saving my TREAT for then. :0)

Now on to Day 14:

This weather isn't very motivating for hitting the gym especially on a Saturday, therefore I want you to ENJOY your day off!  Sleep in, hopefully its like 10 AM and your are just reading this.  Let your body rest and restore itself after all your activities this week.  If you normally go to the gym on Saturday don't let guilt get the best of you.  Rest is Best today and here are a few reminders of the benefits you shall receive:

  • Emotional - Mental - Physical Energy
Need I say more! 

Hopefully you made it to the store to make the Cornflake Crusted Banana Stuffed French Toast I posted yesterday.  And I really would like to hear how it came out, so please leave a comment.

If you weren't able to get the ingredients for the recipe, never fear you still need breakfast so make what your heart desires today.
  • Veggie Omelette
  • Pancakes
  • Waffles 
  • Salmon Cakes and Grits
You name it, go for it and enjoy breakfast maybe even in your PJ's! 

Self Growth: 
Today is a good day to clean out and organize a kitchen cabinet!  Its amazing how time flies by and expiration dates creep up on you.  Pick one cabinet and get to it.  

Getting rid of old stuff always makes me feel good and creates space for the new. Besides you are probably enjoying being inside today make the most of it.  I wonder how many of you will get the bug and hit more then one?  Don't be competitive one is all you have to do today.  

Enjoy the day, 

Until Tomorrow, 


photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sararah/2424005668/

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 13 of New Year New You

Ok people its Friday and yes its Friday the 13th, but don't let that freak you out or throw you off track.
You've come so far and have been doing so good!  :)

My Day 12:  Well it was a rainy day but I made the best of it.  Got in my walk home from work today.  I didn't leave early enough to do it on the way in.  No elevators for me either :)  Powered up with Black Beans at Lunch.  I have to work this weekend from 8-5 both Saturday and Sunday, so no spa day for me this weekend.... However I WILL be making that up before the month is out.

Now it's time for Day 13:

Make today a flexibility day.  Take a Yoga class or a stretch class at the gym.  Do some Yoga at home or just sit down and do some stretches.  You've been working hard this week, Friday is a nice day to let the body wind down.  Maybe find a Restorative Yoga class in the area to take.

Whatever you do make it a TAKE IT EASY DAY!

Here are a few of my favorites to do at home:

I have been waiting to share this recipe with you.  Mainly because I want to try it myself.  Since tomorrow is Saturday go to the store today and plan to make a super fun breakfast for you and the family, or on Sunday.  If you didn't  get a change to FEED someone from Day 11 why not invite a friend over to share it with you.  See I told you it's never to late. 

Cornflake - Crusted Banana Stuffed French Toast

1 Cup Cornflake crumbs
1 tbsp toasted sliced almonds
1/2 cup egg whites or egg substitute
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/2 tsp cinnamon
4 slices cinnamon-raisin bread
1/4 cup mashed banana (strawberries or blueberries optional)

Heat Griddle over medium-high heat.  Combine cornflake crumbs and almonds in a bowl.  Combine egg whites, vanilla extract and cinnamon in  another bowl.  Dip 1 slice of bread in egg batter then coat on both sides with cornflake crust. Repeat with remaining bread slices.  Spread mashed banana on 1 side of 2 pieces of crusted bread, top with remaining 2 bread slices to make 2 sandwiches.  Cook sandwiches on griddle until golden brown, 2 minutes per side.  Cut in half an serve with fresh berries if desired.   

Serves 2.  321 Calories per sandwich, 5 g Fat, 54 g Carbs, 4 g Fiber, 14 g Protein. 

Self Growth: 
Treat yourself!  And I do mean have a TREAT!  Its Friday folks, enjoy something for dessert at lunch or dinner.  Maybe its your Favorite Oatmeal Cookie, Ice Cream, Red Velvet Cake, Sorbet or Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream.  

Dessert never killed anyone and you deserve to treat yourself every now and then.  Just don't go crazy, sit back and ENJOY every bite.  I'm already contemplating what I'm gonna have right now.  My favorite is Ice Cream. What's Yours? 

Until Tomorrow, 


photo:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/ulteriorepicure/231555400/sizes/s/in/photostream/

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 12 of New Year New You

Ok here we go with Day 12!  I was talking to a friend about the blog and she said WOW I'm already 12 days behind.  Do I have time to catch up on things?  YES you do!

Following this challenge isn't hard at all so if you are reading this for the first time jump in and enjoy the ride.  We have 19 more days to go!

My Day 11: Made a donation to Susan G Komen, helped a new employee at Crunch, did my best to have no carbs...but Lunch got me. I was in a RUSH to an afternoon meeting, pizza was close and fast.  But Breakfast and Dinner were Carb Free.

Time for Day 12:

Lets go for a walk!  On your way to work, get off the train 1 stop before yours and walk the rest of the way in.  If you are at work reading this, get off the train 1 stop before yours going home and walk the rest of the way.

Take the Stairs ALL DAY!  No Elevators.  Ok unless you work on the 80th floor. HOWEVER take at least 5 flights, then jump on the elevator.

Driving to work- Park at the farthest end of the parking lot and walk to work and yes no elevator for you too.  If you're running errands after work do the same thing park away from the door and walk.

Since you went Carb free yesterday, today pick up some Power Carbs such as beans.  Beans are loaded with complex carbohydrates – the nutrient that provides energy to the muscles and brain. Just one cup of beans can provide 15 percent of the carbohydrates needed daily and up to 12 grams of fiber.  Plus, beans have the best type of carbohydrate for maximum energy.

 Some well know choices are:
  • Lentils
  • Black
  • Red
  • Garbanzo (Chickpeas)
Self Growth: 
Its time for a little L - O - V -E pampering! 
Schedule a massage, manicure and/or pedicure or a hair appoint for this weekend!  This weekend is our half way point of the New Year New You Challenge.  Why not reward yourself with some pampering.  

Here's a Spa deal that might me worth your time and money!  


This Mani/Pedi deal

Take advantage of these great deals, treat yourself and enjoy. PS if you didn't GIVE yesterday... you can make it up by buying a voucher for a friend and sharing the LOVE! 


Until Tomorrow,

photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/martinlang/3382565021/sizes/s/in/photostream/

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 11 of New Year New You

Welcome to Hump Day Wednesday!  I swear I was just typing out Monday's blog like five minutes ago.   Well here we go with another day of fun together.

My Day 10:  Today was a great day! I taught some of my favorite people at Crunch John St and Union Sq.  Taught my 1st ZUMBA class, it was AWESOME.  Can't wait to get back next week.  If you are available join me next Tuesday at 90 John St - 1245 PM.  Not a Crunch member? Be my GUEST - just let me know you want to come.  Got in my BLT workout for sure and enjoyed my Self Growth moment.  :) It really feels good writing for all of you everyday!

Now its time for Day 11:

Well we've had an Abdominal day and yesterday was BLT.  I think its time for a little upper body workout. Show me your GUNS!

Do this workout to help sculpt and tone your biceps tomorrow.

  • Alternating Hammer Curls with 10-15 LB dumbbells perform to failure  Rest 1 min - Repeat 2x
  • Body Bar or Barbell Biceps Curls.  Using the heaviest body bar in the gym or at least a 20 LB Barbell perform Biceps Curls to failure.  Rest 1 min - Repeat 2x
  • Concentrated Biceps Curls.  Using 10-15 LB dumbbells perform to failure.  Rest 1 min - Repeat 2x
Make today a Protein and Veggie day!  You heard right, do your best to have a no Carb day.  It might seem hard but you can do it.  Here are some examples for you to try: 
  • Egg White Omelette - add onions, spinach, mushrooms whatever you like
  • Burgers - Grilled Chicken no buns  
  • How about this Mexican Collard Green Wrap
  • Salad always works
  • Steam some Veggies for Dinner
  • Try the Peanut Butter Protein Shake from yesterday
Be sure to come back and let me know how your day went. 

Self Growth:
We have been giving to ourselves for the past 10 days, its time for some Heartfelt Acts.   Here are 4 ways to strengthen your connection with others.  

GIVE- Donating money to a charity is just one way to give but why not donate your time where possible.  How about volunteering to pick up a friends kid from school.  Or offer to babysit so they can go out or to the gym.  Think about donating your expertise or services to a cause.  How about volunteering with an organization such as NY Cares

LISTEN- Take time to really listen to another person be it a friend, a co-worker or stranger.  Everyone loves to be heard and you never know what you might learn by listening.   

INCLUDE- Think of ways to make someone else feel included or welcome today.  Is there a new employee at your job?  I am sure you remember your first day.  Ask him or her to grab a coffee with you.  Say hello to an unfamiliar face in your yoga or spin class etc. 

FEED- Invite a friend to dinner.  What about helping out at a local food bank or shelter.  It's flu season, I know I would love to receive a pot of soup from a friend if I was sick. 

Until tomorrow!


photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/qthomasbower/3470650293/sizes/s/in/photostream/

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 10 of New Year New You

Here we go Day 10 of 31!  I can't believe 10 days has gone by so fast.

My Day 9: Started my day off with some exercise before leaving the house. Had leftovers for lunch and enjoyed them.  Didn't get a chance to call my friend BUT its on the to do list for today!  I really do want to call and make her day.

Now is time of Day 10:

Lets make today a BLT day.  No I don't mean Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato.  Its Butt, Legs and Thighs!

Here's a quick routine to give your legs a pick me up - No equipment needed!
  • Standing with feet hip distance apart, step the right leg forward to perform a lunge and then return to start. Do this 15 times on one side and then switch - Repeat 3 times 
  • Standing with feet hip distance apart perform calf raises for 45 seconds, Rest 15 seconds - Repeat 3 times
  • Standing with feet slightly wider then shoulder distance apart, toes turned out. Perform 30 Plie squats, focus on squeezing the glutes at the top. Rest 30 seconds - Repeat 3 times
  • Standing with feet hip distance apart lifting right leg and pressing leg backwards. Perform Hip Extension 30 times on one side.  Switch - Repeat 3 times
These quick exercises target the major muscles of the legs and can be performed anywhere.  Don't hesitate to take a break while at work and rock it out. 

Need something to help with your sweet tooth?  Why not try this recipe for Breakfast, Lunch or a mid day snack! Its packed with protein and flavor. 

Peanut Butter Protein Frosty

1/2 cup chocolate soy milk or low fat milk, chilled
1- 4 oz container of whipped chocolate yogurt
1/3 cup chocolate whey protein powder
2 tbsp Smucker's Natural Creamy Peanut Butter, stirred*
Ice Cubes
Cinnamon - optional

Combine soy milk, yogurt, protein powder, peanut butter and enough ice cubes to make 2 cups in a blender.  Process for 45 seconds or until smooth and frosty.  

Makes 2 servings, so pour into 2 glasses Share and Enjoy! Garnish with Cinnamon if desired. 

*Almond Butter can be used in place of peanut butter.  If there is too much chocolate for you with the milk, yogurt and protein powder, feel free to replace any one with Vanilla flavor.  Adding a half banana is also an option. 

Self Growth: 
Take time out today to notice positive changes - yes there are some already at day 10.   Starting with the fact you have been returning to the New Year New You 2012 Challenge everyday! 

Recognizing the immediate benefits of exercise reminds us why we started in the first place.  There are all kinds of long term benefits to changing our routine.  However instant gratification comes in the form of improved energy, reduced stress, better sleep, a healthier and happier outlook, increase confidence and more.  

Taking time today to acknowledge these immediate positive changes will also keep you coming back until Jan 31st. Remember, starting with small habits lead to creating bigger, long lasting habits. 

Enjoy the day!

Until tomorrow, 

photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/elanaspantry/6009765671/sizes/s/in/photostream/

Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 9 of New Year New You

9 Days and Counting :)  I want to say how proud I am of your dedication.

My Day 8:  After two nights of celebrating my birthday, somehow I managed to push through a 7 mile run in 1 hour 4 mins.  Made enough dinner for leftovers... :) And lunch for me and the hubby!  Getting to bed early reflecting and relaxing was what I looked forward to all day!  AAHH, to rest the mind and the body just in time for our Monday restart!

Here we go Day 9:

Its Monday so it time to kick start our day with some exercise.  I am posting this early so hopefully you read it before you get to work.  Here are some suggestions:
  • Have A.M. Sex - its stimulating and burns Calories
  • Do 10-20 minutes of Sun Salutations to get the blood flowing
  • Pop in a Workout DVD that's been sitting on the shelf and move your body
  • Maybe use the Wii or Kinect System - Dance Party anyone?
  • Do some abdominal crunches and/or push ups
Today is about starting with Fitness and Movement on the top of your mind, as you walk into work all warmed up.... Smile, because no one but you knows what option you choose!

Hopefully you are enjoying your leftovers, I know I will be.
For those who didn't have time to cook yesterday here are some tips you can keep in mind when you go out for lunch.

Did you know that KFC yes Kentucky Fried Chicken's Individual size Mac n Cheese is only 160 Calories and 2.5 grams of Saturated Fat.  I can't speak on the taste BUT if you are in a bind add a piece of grilled chicken to this side and enjoy.

Going for a Salad today? Squeeze a Lemon and/or Orange over your salad at the dressing instead of the  usual go to Sesame Ginger or Ranch Dressing.  Adding Mandarin Oranges to the salad can substitute if you don't have a fresh lemon or orange to squeeze.

Eating at the Company cafeteria:  Make today a No Carb lunch!  Grab more fruits and veggies to give you a natural boast.  If you get the munchies grab some energy mix from Day 5.

Self Growth: 
Pick up the phone and SURPRISE a friend with a call.  Pick someone whom you haven't seen or spoken to in awhile.  With so much at our fingertips we have lost connection to some of those who have been very near and dear to our hearts.  Today is a good day to bridge the gap between you and them.  I bet he/she is thinking about you too.

Making this call well fill both your hearts with love, smiles and good energy, reminding each of you just why you are in each other lives.  There is no better time then the present to catch up your goings on! So stop what your doing and pick up the phone.

I know exactly who I am going to call and I bet she is going to be very surprised!
Feel free to share your experience with us.

Until Tomorrow!


photo:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/fourstuarts/3347522358/sizes/s/in/photostream/

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 8 of New Year New You

7 Days down, only 24 more to go!  Don't be overwhelmed we are taking this one day at a time.

My Day 7: What a great day it was, there were NO complaints about the weather from me. As for my day I had S'mac for lunch... If you don't know this place.... stay AWAY is sinfully delicious and full of endless calories.  All they make is Mac n Cheese, need I say more!  After lunch I had to make sure dinner was full of Veggies.  Didn't make it to the spa as I imagined HOWEVER the Spa came to me, it was very nice.

Time for Day 8:

Checked the weather for you,  although it will not be as warm as it was yesterday its still going to be a nice day so get out and enjoy.

Go for a RUN.  Yes I said run!  :)  Set a goal:

  • Time 
  • Distance 
If your new to running don't worry about speed, just move, dress appropriately and get outside.  Take the dog, kids, a friend or spouse with you.  Running with someone makes time and distance go by faster then being alone.

If you have questions about running let me know.  When you get back post a comment here or on Facebook and let me know how you feel.

Make enough to take to lunch tomorrow. Taking lunch not only saves you $$ but its healthier for the new you as well.  Besides your food always taste better then take out.

How about giving this recipe a try:

Lemon - Caper Chicken
4 - 4 oz Thin Chicken Cutlets
1/2 cup low fat milf
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 tsp lemon zest
2 tsp olive oil
1-2 tbsp capers

In shallow bowl combine 1/2 cup all purpose flour, 1/4 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp ground black pepper - Set aside

Dip the Chicken Cutlets into 1/2 cup of low fat milk (one at a time) Next coat both sides with the above flour mixture.

Combine 2 tbsp lemon juice and 2 tsp of lemon zest set aside. 

Heat 2 tsp of olive oil in large saute pan over medium-high heat.  Add cutlets and cook 2-3 minutes on each side or until golden and cooked through.  Transfer to a plate but keep warm.  

Add the lemon juice mixture and 1-2 tsp tbsp capers to saute pan, scraping pan to loosen any browned bits.  Drizzle sauce over Chicken and serve with Brown rice or roasted new potatoes and a veggie of choice. 

For my vegetarians here is a Tofu Steak Recipe to replace the chicken above.  

Self Growth:
Rest easy and Sleep Tight!  Plan to go to bed tonight 30 minutes to 1 hour before you normally do.  Giving your body time to whine down after all of the days and weekly activities is good for the body and the brain. 

Turn off the TV and the cell phone. No laptops, not evening a book!  Going to bed with sensory stimulation causes our mind to continue to process even while we are asleep.  So here is your NEW YOU bed time plan. 
  • Spray Lavender on the Sheets and Pillow 
  • Or use Johnson n Johnson Lavender Lotion on your hands, feet and neck
  • Lay on your back - Close your eyes and mentally shower yourself with love and appreciation
  • Notice your entire body from your feet to your head
  • Contract and stretch your muscles, flex your feet and hands
  • Let yourself melt into the bed resting your hands over your belly 
  • With each exhalation notice your naval expand on your inhale and relax on the exhale
  • Close your eyes and imagine releasing all tension for about 12 - 15 breaths
  • Roll on your side into the fetal position and drift off to sleep


See you tomorrow, 

photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/9619972@N08/3198810449/sizes/s/in/photostream/