Monday, August 15, 2011

Eating Before A Run!

Question:  Should I eat before a run?

Answer:  YES!

Most of us get up early and hit the pavement before we start the day. If you are like me trying to improve your time, you never want to feel weighted down.

However, you should never feel starved nor stuffed when you begin a run.  Remember my blog last week on eating breakfast?  Well if you should eat before going to work, you most absolutely should eat before a run.

Rule of thumb eat about an hour before a run. Be mindful that eating immediately before could lead to cramping and the dreadful side stitch, while running on an empty stomach can cause you to run out of energy.

For my morning runners here are a few tips: Think high Carbs, low fat, fiber and protein.

  • Bagel with peanut butter
  • Turkey and cheese sandwich on whole wheat
  • Banana and a energy bar
  • Bowl of cereal (watch your sugar intake) 

If you really like Fruits and Veggies before a run, give these a try:

  • Tomatoes
  •  Zucchini
  •  Grapes
  •  Grapefruit
Theme of the day, be sure to eat SOMETHING before you hit the pavement.  

Happy running and hope to see you out there.  

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Break Fast!

So how many times have you heard the following (in your mothers voice)

" Eat your breakfast" 
" Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" 

Well as much as You might hate to hear it... she was RIGHT!!

Breakfast is THE most important meal of the day as it literally means Break your (night long) Fast. Most people eat dinner around 6-8 PM, the average person gets up about 5-8 AM and usually doesn't eat breakfast until 8-10 AM.  When we wake a person may have gone 10-12 hours without food which means you awaken in a energy deprived state. Thats for people who actually eat breakfast! Did you know 25% of the population skip breakfast all together.
Now some of you are maybe saying "I can can go for hours without eating". As soon as you wake up and get moving its like starting your engines as the body has to turn on to get ready, shower, walk or drive to work etc. Your energy reserves are woefully low by this time. You need to fuel the system before you kick start it into high gear for the day. 
The body is your vehicle and you want to keep it fueled and functioning optimally.

                     Some things to think about next time your considering skipping breakfast :
When your body lacks fuel your metabolism shifts into starvation mode creating a greater potential for sluggishness and slower metabolism. Symptoms of this include headaches, fatigue and difficulty concentrating.

- Breakfast skippers in both adults and children are more likely to be obese or overweight. Not eating Breakfast can create BAD eating habits including over eating because the body is SO famished or resorting to fast food, high in calories, low in nutrients

What counts as Breakfast? 

Aim for breakfast providing 25 - 30% of the calories for the day.  This can varies based on your activities for the day.  Remember a desk worker versus a UPS truck packer will need to consume a different amount of calories. 

An Ideal breakfast should provide carbs, fiber and protein.  For Example:  Fruits, Vegetables, Low Fat Milk, Eggs or Yogurt.  In worse case: Something is Better then Nothing so grab the doughnut if that is the only option.... but don't make it a habit (better yet find the nearest apple/banana/orange).  

Looking for a way to track your hourly energy fluctuations check out  

As you read this hope you had, are planning to have or are having your breakfast. 
