Thursday, July 4, 2013

A to Z Gratitude!

Recently I received a challenge from Peaceful Daily.  I am calling it the A to Z 26 Days of Gratitude.

There has been A LOT going on in my life this past month and half, from making heavy momentum with my personal business, celebrating my 2 year anniversary, creating a backyard patio with my hubby, having my 82 year old mom living with me and going through shoulder replacement surgery two weeks ago, (She's still here) to getting ready to create my very first fitness video!

Told you I have been busy!

With all that said I am very grateful for so many things in my life and I thought this was a great time to reconnect with friends, family, fans and followers for a little Gratitude exercise together.

Are you ready to take the A to Z 26 Days of Gratitude Challenge with me! 

Every day beginning with the letter A, we each write down something or someone we are grateful for. Each day is a new letter for the next 26 Days.  There are 31 days in this month and since we are starting on day 3 that only leaves us 2 extra days.  July 30th pick the initial of your first name and July 31st your last name.

Feel free to share you gratitude with friends, family and me here on the blog or via email.

Here Goes:

July 3rd Letter A - I am grateful for Aerobics!  For those that don't know Aerobics was the birth of today's fitness industry and I am very grateful because I truly LOVE my job.


Photo by Cathryn Lundgren

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Time for something Sweet

Hey Folks,

I came across this recipe from Peaceful Daily and since I am feeling in the mood for a little something sweet I felt I should give it a try and share it with each of you.


½ cup coconut oil 
1 cup brown sugar 
¼ cup almond milk 
1 tablespoon vanilla extract 
2 cups flour 
1 teaspoon baking soda 
1 teaspoon baking powder 
½ teaspoon salt 
1 cup vegan chocolate chips (Trader Joe’s chocolate chips are accidentally vegan!) 

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees Cream together the coconut oil & brown sugar, then add the almond milk & vanilla. In a separate bowl mix the flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Combine the wet & dry ingredients, then fold in the chocolate morsels & any other mix-ins of your choosing. Roll into Tbsp sized balls & place them on an ungreased cookie sheet, then flatten them out a bit with your palm. The dough may be a little crumbly, but just smoosh it together and it will work fine! Bake for 7-10 minutes. (I did 9 which was perfect) 



Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I believe, I believe, I believe!

Hello and Happy Tuesday!  The title of this blog should be sang in the tune of Donkey from Shrek!  (that should get your day going) 

I hope April is treating you well on Day 2.  For me it WAS a good day... since I am in Taipei Tuesday is almost over.  But before you get fully going into your day and I go to sleep I wanted to share this recent daily inspiration I received from Peaceful Daily.  

I am personally going through some wonderful changes which involve being in the dark and being open to the experience.  Maybe you too will be inspired but the words below. 

Believe What You Feel

On this day, Morrie says that he has an exercise for us to try. We are to stand, facing away from our classmates, and fall backward, relying on another student to catch us. Most of us are uncomfortable with this, and we cannot let go for more than a few inches before stopping ourselves. We laugh in embarrassment.

Finally, one student, a thin, quiet, dark-haired girl whom I notice almost always wears bulky, white fisherman sweaters, crosses her arms over her chest, closes her eyes, leans back, and does not flinch, like one of those Lipton tea commercials where the model splashes into the pool..

For a moment, I am sure she is going to thump on the floor. At the last instant, her assigned partner grabs her head and shoulders and yanks her up harshly.

“Whoa!several students yell. Some clap. Morrie finally smiles. “You see”, he says to the girl, “you closed your eyes, That was the difference. Sometimes you cannot believe what you see, you have to believe what you feel. And if you are ever going to have other people trust you, you must feel that you can trust them too – even when you're in the dark. Even when you're falling."

- "Tuesdays With Morrie" by Mitch Albom

See you Soon! 

photo from:

Friday, March 22, 2013

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

I've always loved this story and when I received it tonight in my email, I said "Hey why not share!"

I'd bet money that everyone reading this blog has SOMETHING going on in there life.  Some things are bigger then others and some more pressing.  But I also guarantee that you, yes you, probably give to much credit and attention to the little things.

I've recently dealt with a dear friend being told he has cancer and must have surgery ASAP! While at the same time watching my my best friend - my Grandma - struggling with a bad shoulder that needs to be replaced.  Can you say OUCH with me.

But at the end of the day, both he and my grandma helped me to realize in more ways then one there is so much to be grateful for, so much to cherish in life and not time like the present to enjoy the ones we love.  My dad was known for saying "Time waits for no man" and he was so right. Stop trying to get this done, followed by that before you have the TIME to love the ones you're with!

I value you my readers, followers and sharers of my blog! Each time you awake to another day of life... Remember my motto:  Live, Love, Laugh and have Fun being you!

OH and Don't sweat the small stuff!

Now enjoy the story, I've a feeling you've read it before.  It never hurts to be reminded!

See you soon.


A philosophy professor stood before his class with some items on the table in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks, about 2 inches in diameter.

He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks.

He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He then asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous “Yes.”

“Now,” said the professor, “I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The rocks are the important things – your family, your partner, your health, your children – things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.

The pebbles are the other things that matter – like your job, your house, your car.

The sand is everything else. The small stuff.” “If you put the sand into the jar first,” he continued “there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take your partner out dancing. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party and fix the disposal. Take care of the rocks first – the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.” 


Monday, March 4, 2013

March Madness and I don't me NCAA

Wow its March 2013! 

I can't believe my last post was Feb 4th... really. Somebody, anybody please tell me where is time going and why is it moving so fast?

I recently became a subscriber of the Peaceful Daily message.... honestly I don't even know how, but I have been enjoying some of the things they are sending me and I thought:  Why not share them with you!

I've never explored numerology but I do believe in the power of cycles and letting go! Funny things is as I read this email and as I sit here typing to you, I am planning my schedule for Spring 2013.  I will be letting go of past relationship so I can make room for the future.   Its true you have to give up something to get something.

What are you willing/ready to give up and get in return?


They say March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. Energetically, this month will come in like a kitty cat and go out like a ram.

The Universe is conspiring to help you love yourself. The keys to happiness are forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude. You have an opportunity to practice these spiritual arts all month long. March is the 3rd month of the year. 2013 is a 6 Universal Year (2+0+1+3 = 6), and March 2013 is a 9 Universal Month (3 for March + 6 for 2013 = 9).

In numerology, 3, 6, and 9 encourage emotional sensitivity and expression. Since 9 is the last of the single digits, it is considered the end of a cycle. They say a cup must be empty before it can be filled. You must love your past in order to let it go. You must let go of your past in order to make room for a joyous future.

To make peace with your past, you can bless it. Say a prayer, forgiving yourself for any missed opportunities, love lost, or anger provoked. Let the waters of forgiveness wash over you like gentle rain from heaven. Send gratitude to all the people in your life who were essential to you becoming the amazing person you are today.

Thank yourself for all the love you have created and positive energy you have generated. As you head into spring, the new YOU will be ready to emerge more colorful, blissful and radiant than before. 

by: Kari Samuels. 

Like what you read above? Feel free to log onto Peaceful Daily for more. 


Monday, February 4, 2013

It's up to you!

Do you remember this game?

Tonight was rather chilly but that did not stop 25 people from showing up to my yoga class.  :)
There was no plan, I didn't arrive to the class with a mapped out set of moves or specific sequence for tonight.  I walked in introduced myself, said hello and then lets go!

We started in child's pose and I selected the song 'Om Shanti' by Sharon Gannon to lead the practice.  Everyone breathe in the word Shanti which means peace.  Lets give ourselves permission to find peace within our breath, within each move we take as well as peace of mind tonight.

So after a quiet moment and a few deep breaths we start moving.  The play list is on shuffle because sometimes I just like to see what we get. The next song was Anthony Hamilton and Jill Scott 'So In Love' about 30 seconds into the song Anthony says "I'm so in Love with you."  I tell my class to bring love into their bodies, to feel love for themselves the same way they do for that special someone, a spouse, partner, friend, parent, child, pet etc.  You should have that same feel good feeling, those butterflies in your belly kind of love about yourself.  Allow your facial expression to let that love shine all over your face.  And right as I said it a view people smiled, their eyes lit up, I even got a few chuckles.

Peace and Love became the theme of the class which lead to lots of hip and heart openers. Taping into our first and fourth chakra's.  Releasing stress from work, family, friends, daily activities, emotional buildup, etc etc aka LIFE! 

As I brought the class to an end 'Ordinary People' by John Legend began to play.  I stressed the words of the song, Take it Slow - literally honoring my class for being willing tonight to slow down.  To find a deep appreciation with their minds and bodies for who and what they are.  I gave them permission to let go of judgement.  Asking them to breath in the words Let an out the word Go.

Especially being in NYC- talk about competition, lots to do aka distractions.  I asked are you always on the go? Do we try to live up to certain expectations or can be allow ourselves to be "ordinary"?  There is nothing wrong with ordinary.  Is your life like being on a NYC subway train, watching the sights zip by?  Taking time to slow down, we're able to cultivate more self love and peace.

Right before Savasana, final relaxation, I put the class in a big heart and hip opener, Reclining butterfly. As they lay legs/hips open, arms slightly over head heart and chest open to the sky I asked each student to close your eyes.  Go inward and remember that feeling of Love and Peace that we started the class with.  Lie here and except vulnerability, be willing to just BE.  Be accepting of the opportunities that the body has revealed tonight and the gifts the universe has to offer.

At the end I received some thank yous, great class and a just what I needed.  It always makes me feel good to give my class what they need especially without know exactly what that is when I walk in.  But tonight was deeper for me and one person in particular.

One of my students rode the subway with me home.  She expressed her gratefulness for class and how she needed it. Then she vocalized how her BFF  said  "I'm worried about you."  So of course I asked why is your BFF worried about you?

She did her best effort in explaining but then finally just said, "I have to admit when you mentioned the word vulnerability today it hit my heart, I instantly opened my eyes and could not close them again.  My BFF said today that I was running from myself.  Honestly I am afraid of myself and my own emotions.  I try to keep people at a distance because its better that way.  And I don't know what to do."

Keeping people at a distance huh - Is that really better?  As she approached her stop I said remember what I said in class tonight.  You have to find that in-love feeling for yourself.  Once you love yourself unconditionally then you will be willing and open to loving someone else and vice versa. Then vulnerability will not be so scary.  The very thing we run from is what we need to work on.

As the trained pulled off I wanted to yell: Own it! Live it! Be in love with yourself girl!  Not the vain in love but in love with who you were before. In love with what you have become now and be willing to love what you will become as life continues.

Lets take a moment to say I love you

Have there been mistakes, sure!  But instead of thinking Mistake... I think of it as life experience.  A learning opportunity. Life is a journey and every step we make is another lesson in learning more about who we are at this moment and will mold us into who will become in the next.

Do I ever look back and think "man if i knew then what I know now I wouldn't have or would have done XYZ."  Of course I do, but if I knew then what I know now I wouldn't be where or who I am today!  The same way taking on a new language or sport isn't easy at first.  The more time we put in to it, aka the more we practice the better we get.  But you have to be in it to win it.  Which means in order to grow, to know love and peace you have to be willing to experience!  Being willing leads to being open, being open leads to understanding and understanding leads to love.

Don't let past experience or thoughts of what people "think" you should be or have done define you.
Like Shakespeare said: To thine own self be true!   Life is stage, you can be the star of your production or the best extra ever! 

And like I told my student: When you love yourself - then you can willingly and openly love someone else and more importantly be open to except their love in return.

We are never going to be perfect which means we are always working at being the best we can be at this moment and moment to moment things change, we change, transform, evolve if you will.

At the end of the day Love Yourself is the Secret as spoken by my dear friend Robert.

And when you have Love you have Peace!

As typed from my mind and inspired by my students.


photo:  courtesy of Facebook - I honestly have not idea where it came from. But I am going to print this out and put at my desk.  :)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Running in the Winter

Happy February everyone! 

31 days of 2013 are officially OVER!  I swear I will be celebrating my 65 birthday in what feels like the next 5 years.  So I better get on the ball especially since my intentions for 2013 are Devotion! My list is a bit extensive. 

I am proud to say that I have actively devoted time for self, fitness, family, friends and business during the month of January.  But the buck doesn't stop there, its time for me to be a bit more devoted to YOU, my fans, my silent stalkers, my zealots or as one person called herself "one of my calm cult followers".  

Many of you know about the group I started Run Sister Run.  It is a running group of diverse women you get together to run casually as well as in organized events.  Here is a picture of our last run together.  

I'm devoted this year to building our group and getting more women off the couch and across the finish line of any race they put there mind too.  :)  I believe the same effort, attitude and drive you put behind running applies in life!  So you can cross the finish line of anything you put your mind too. 

By May 31, 2013 I want to build a street team of 50 runners.  We can do this! And its starting on Sunday Feb 3rd during the NYRR Super Bowl 4 mile run in Central Park.  There are quite a few of us running and I surely plan to sport the Run Sister Run t-shirt.  

Here are some tips for everyone to consider when running in the cold weather:

1.  Wear wicking clothing - It may be cold but you will sweat. 
2.  Cover any extremities that you know get cold - Ears and hands appropriately. Either using gloves or socks you can throw away.  A hat for your head or ear head band
3.  Wear the proper socks on your feet so that your feet are warm and dry
4.  Use baggage check if you are at an organized race to put a dry shirt or coat in.  You don't want to stop a race in the cold and walk off wet.  
5.  Hydrate when you are out there, before and after - you are sweating and the air will be evaporating the sweat at the same time

I recently purchased this new shirt and absolutely love it.  So if you are interested check it out at NIKE.

See you out there on the pavement.  PS our next run is a 5K Feb 10th in Prospect Park followed by another 4 mile Feb 23rd also in Prospect Park.  Want more info leave a message and remember you can also Walk Sister Walk!  And you can be a virtual runner - ask me how.  


Photos:  RSR Group Photo courtesy or Taj
Nike top provided by 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Setting your Intention for 2013

Happy 2013! 
My apologies if you were waiting for a new year / new you blog or challenge from me.   But this year I thought I would do things a little different.  Instead of giving you a "plan" or "suggestion" I thought it be best to give you an opportunity to set your own intention for 2013.

My personal theme/intention for 2013 is Devotion

My goals for this year center around doing everything with gratitude and inspiration. As I continue to grow in 2013 its all about celebrating life and love in everything I do. Starting my days meditating on the qualities I want to embrace in myself and desire from those around me.

I'd like to hear from you:  What are your Goals/Intentions for 2013?

Photo by Taj in Miami Jan 1, 2013

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