Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 15 of New Year New You

WOW we have reached the halfway point!  Really 15 days have gone by that fast!  I almost feel like I could do a New Year New You Challenge for the year.  Well here we go!

My Day 14:  I worked all day from 8 AM to 6 PM teaching a yoga training.  So thankful for my group of attendees they really make time go by fast.  My breakfast was simple: Pumpernickel Bagel and Chiobani Yogurt.  Did you make the French Toast? I did get to clean out one cabinet today and had my TREAT from yesterday for dinner tonight:  Peach Cobbler with Ice Cream.  It was well worth it.

Ready, Set, Go - Day 15:

Today's forecast is 28 degrees.  Have I ever said how much I don't like winter?  Well today I'm giving you two options:

1.  Enjoy your home with an indoor workout.  You could do the Plyometrics from Day 6 and the Abdominal workout on Day 2 and/or the BLT workout on Day 11

For my football fans, feel free to get it done before the game!  And someone please text me with updates on the score, I will be working form 8 to 5.

2.  Don't mind going out - Try Bikram Yoga.  It might be cold outside but its Hot in there.  Member of Crunch? Give Hot Yoga a try today.  PLEASE take a change of clothes with you and make sure to dry off before going back out.

Given the weather, today is a Great day to make a SOUP!  I love soup when its cold outside.

Never made soup before?  Not sure what to use?  Looking for some healthy options?
Cooking Light offers 101 healthy soup recipes for you to choose from.  There's bound to be one you'd enjoy.

Are you a visual person?  Try checking out one of the Food Channels like Food Network for ideas.

Let me know what you picked!

Self Growth:
Its time to reflect and track your success!  There is nothing more motivating then seeing your accomplishments.  We are 15 day's into a 31 day challenge, take a quick peek at your progress.  Check off each day that you've worked out or followed my Food and/or Self Growth tips.

Notice the habits you have created without trying so hard.  Don't look at the days you missed and say "I knew I couldn't do this or how can I catch up now?" Embrace the days you did something! Smile and say to yourself: "Wow that's more time than I usually dedicate to myself and I'm looking forward to what the next 15 days has to offer."

This challenge is all about taking steps to make change and doing that one day at a time.  Each day presents an opportunity for a new you in mind, body and soul.  You've already proven anything is possible by reading this right now!

Until Tomorrow,



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