Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 17 of New Year New You

Sorry for the delay today!  I woke up and typed our Challenge but I was in a rush and forgot to hit publish!  So here we go another day, another fun challenge!

My Day 16: Successfully had no flour today, added 15 minutes onto my workout as well.  Feeling pretty good.

Time for Day 17:

Can't make it to the gym today, why not tone at work or at home!  Follow these easy steps to get in a quick workout while you work.
  • Seated Scissors:  Sit towards the middle of your chair, (at home use a chair not the couch if possible) Lift legs up about parallel to the floor.  Engage core so you are sitting up super tall.  Raise arms in front of you and begin to cross right leg over left and right arm over left at the same time. Switching quickly 40 times (right - left =1)    You are targeting glutes, core, chest, quads and inner/outer thighs.  Now that's a lot of bang for no bucks! 
  • Supported Single Leg Squat: Stand with hands at the side of your desk or the back of a chair or use a table if at home.  Lifting right foot so knee is bent at 90 degrees, lower into a single leg squat by bending the left knee.  Remember don't bend to far, knee should stay behind the toes. Stand up and repeat 20 times on one side.  Switch Want to add some calf work - Raise up on your tip toes when you come back to stand.  Targeting quads, hamstrings, balance and calf muscles. 
  • Upright Push Ups:  Facing a wall, place hands directly in front of you shoulder height and slightly wider then your shoulder distance.  Bending elbows to bring chest to the wall performing 25 push ups off the wall. Targeting chest, triceps and shoulders
This workout can be done in about 15 minutes or less.  So no excuses! 

Here is a quick easy 502 calorie meal you can enjoy tonight for dinner!

Chicken and Broccoli Pasta

3/4 cup uncooked whole wheat pasta
2 cups steamed broccoli
4 oz baked chicken (you can pick up already prepared on your way home)
1/2 cup tomato sauce (3g. fat or less per 1/2 cup)
Pinch each of: Garlic, red pepper flakes and ground black pepper
Parmesan Cheese if desired. 

Cook Pasta.  While pasta is cooking cut up the chicken.  When 1 minute left to cook toss in Broccoli.  Drain.  Return Broccoli and Pasta to pot and add chicken, tomato sauce and above seasonings.  Top with Cheese and serve! This is a one serving so double the above if making it for two.

Self Growth:
Picture yourself 3 months from now and write down three words to describe the future you.  Post it on the fridge or near your computer as a reminder.  Remember no pressure to comply, it will be interesting to see how life play itself out 3 months from today.

Have a great day!

Until Tomorrow,


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