Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 30 of New Year New You

Well folks it seems like January just would not slow down for us, but hey we still have 11 more months to go this year!  Developing the New You doesn't stop tomorrow.  Its just beginning!  These past 30 days have been a great adventure and wonderful challenge.  I wasn't able to complete all three task each day which wasn't the purpose and I am proud to say I will be carrying some of these things over with me to Feb.  How about you?

No one said these task can ONLY be done this Month.  So if you were late to join the Challenge or wanted to do something one day but ran out of time, there is always tomorrow and the next day!

So let's get started with Day 30: 

Challenge yourself!  We have done several different body part exercises from being at the office to working out in the gym.  Pick ONE and see if you can accomplish it even better the second time around.

Now if for any reason you are the same, good.  If you're not that's fine too!  You know what that means?  You have found an opportunity for growth.  See Self Growth below and see how you can apply.

Whip up something.  I have posted at least 5 recipes for you to try this month.  Go back through the days and see which one catches your eye.  Plan to make it TODAY.  Maybe its the breakfast smoothie I posted, or the hangover juice cure.  How about the Lemon Chicken or Lemon Tofu Steak recipe.

There are several options to choose from the past 29 days.  I personally will be doing yesterday's Pasta and Spinach Gratin.  I picked up all the ingredients today.  Planned to give it a try this evening but I got caught up making the Breakfast Hermits from last week.  :)  Check out my picture above and yes they are pretty tasty.  Yes it a little time consuming but nothing you can't handle on the weekend.  And its really easy to follow and do.  Have questions or want substitutes so its a little less healthy?  ASK!  I got you covered.

Oh and if you will be taking my class this week and would like to try one, let me know I will bring some to the gym, I have 4 dozen.  :)

Self Growth:
Commitment!  To keep the commitment going from these past 30 days, now is a good time to consider what you'd like to accomplish next month.  Make it something specific and attainable in 28 days.  Keeping up your success is truly about going forward one day at a time, just like we did here.  If this challenge worked for you follow the model and watch yourself progress all the way through December 2012.

Post your goals on the fridge, your desk, make them your screen saver, you get the point but remember you only have 28 days to get it done.  Want some help with accountability? Send me your Feb Goals and I can check in on you!  Taj Harris

Until Tomorrow,


photo:  Taj Harris - from my loving kitchen

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