Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Breakfast Time

So you decided to come back and follow the 20 days til Spring Get Right Plan!

Today's focus is on Breakfast.  I am not a morning person either but Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and today we start with some breakfast options to get you going on this plan.

Skipping breakfast is not an option.... so if that means you have to get up 20 minutes early, then set that alarm clock now and plan on breakfast!  If you usually eat at work.... take a look at the time you are eating.  If you get to work at 9 and breakfast is at 11 but you wake up at 6 to prepare... YOU are waiting too LONG to Break Your Fast.  

Here are some quick options for you to choose from:

  • 2 Egg White Omelette can be made with any veggies you like - onion, green peppers etc. 
  • Greek Yogurt with whole wheat toast or granola, adding fruit is always an option
  • 1/2 cup of oatmeal with fruit - other hot cereal like grits, farina, cream of rice
  • 2 Boiled eggs with fruit or whole what toast
  • 1 cup of whole grain cereal - milk of choice and 1 banana
Need meat during breakfast, try Turkey bacon or sausage vs pork. Tofurkey or try turkey lunch meat. 

REALLY Strapped for time! Drink your breakfast:

Chocolate Coffee Protein Shake:

2 scoops of chocolate protein
1 cup of skim milk
5 ice cubes
1 cup of water
1 spoonful of instant coffee

Ok folks that is if for now, get ready for more tomorrow!  And don't forget EAT BREAKFAST! 

Talk Soon!


photo: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/proteinshakes.htm 

1 comment:

  1. Are there any brands of protein shakes you'd recommend?
